Stainless Steel Large Pet Cremation Urn with Optional Personalisation
Stainless Steel Large Pet Cremation Urn with Optional Personalisation

Stainless Steel Large Pet Cremation Urn with Optional Personalisation

Regular price £46.50 £39.95 Sale

The urn is perfect for a large dog, it is made of lightweight stainless steel ensuring it can be buried if desired as it will never degrade. 

This urn  measures approximately 20.5cm high by 15cm wide, with a capacity of up to approximately 200lbs of body weight before cremation. 

This urn already comes with "Always in my mind, Forever in my heart" with a heart symbol engraved on the body of the urn. We can offer optional personalised engraving on the lid of the urn including paw prints symbols. 

This pet urn has a tightly closing threaded secure lid. This urn comes with a black velvet bag.